Your feedback is appreciated. Business Name * What is your interest in Annual Benchmarking * This is a gauge for us, so we can collate interest on the Annual Benchmarkgin service Definitely interested, committed Initially interested, but not committing yet Initially uncertain - leaning towards no (happy to get contacted) Definite no Business Owner(s) First Name Last Name Contact number (###) ### #### Do you know any other Plumbers, Electricians or Builders you would recommend our benchmarking service to? Yes No Please tick one if you would like any further services this year? Please let us know if you would like any of the following this year (Each session is $250+gst): Rates Card session Standard offerings session Introductory brochure session Roles & Routines Quarterly session (3 sessions this year) 6 monthly session (1 session this year) Commit to 3 sessions for $750+gst Other Thank you!