Business Planning - build a pathway for this year

  • Light - $2500+gst

    This is a great fast way to get a Business Plan in place.

    This is a 4 step process.

    Start with a Number crunch - take your reports, then look for the insights.

    Then we are going to do a SWOT and a GAP analysis along with looking for other specific tasks.

    We will finalise your roadmap with you,

    Then we will finish off looking at your Routine, and how you will implement the plan.

    4 Sessions

    1. Run your reports

    2. Manipulate your reports

    3. Create forecast

    4. Run through the calculator

    5. Identify insights

    6. Load bus plan

    7. SWOT

    8. GAP Analysis

    9. Create tasking across the year

    10. Review your planning & prioritise

    11. Identify routine and reports for achievement

    12. KPI’s, benchmarks and reports

  • In Depth - $4500+gst

    This is for businesses that want to build some strategy and long term thinking into their business.

    This is going to be made up of 8 sessions, and is going to walk you through the planning process, while building structure, system and routine into your business.

    You will identify your benchmarks and the reports you are going to need to use to consolidate your business performance.

    10 Sessions

    1. Run your reports

    2. Manipulate your reports

    3. Create forecast

    4. Run through the calculator

    5. Identify insights

    6. Load bus plan

    7. SWOT

    8. GAP Analysis

    9. Create tasking across the year

    10. Review your planning & prioritise

    11. KPI’s, benchmarks and reports

    12. Roles and structure in the company

    13. Routines in the company

    14. Culture & incentives in the company

    15. Long term Strategy & development

    16. Company wide workflow & System map

    17. Priority processes

    18. Implementation